
OpenDNS No Longer Accessible in France

OpenDNS No Longer Accessible in France

As of June 28, 2024, the public DNS resolver OpenDNS has ceased to respond to IP addresses located in France. This measure follows the demands of rights holders, as demonstrated by the test conducted using the dig tool from an IP address of the ISP Free:…

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What is a Geofeed? How to Set Up One?

What is a Geofeed? How to Set Up One?

A geofeed is a list of IP address ranges associated with geolocation information. The principle was authored by Google in July 2013. Starting August 2020, it was officially published as a standard under RFC 8805 with the name A Format for Self-Published IP Geolocation Feeds. This is now the gold standard for sharing geolocation information…

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The State of IPv6 Adoption in 2023

The State of IPv6 Adoption in 2023

The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP) that was developed to deal with the rapid growth of the Internet. In 2023, the IPv6 adoption rate has increased significantly, driven by a growing number of organizations that are recognizing the benefits of the new protocol…

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