
Russia and the "Internet Disconnection"

Russia and the "Internet Disconnection"

After the invasion of Putin's troops on Ukraine 🇺🇦, we heard, on the one hand, numerous calls for the cutting of Russian Internet networks, and, on the other hand, the announcement that Russia was going to make such cuts. This article examines the issue from a technical point of view only (albeit with some incursions into Internet governance). We are only talking about the software infrastructure of the Internet, leaving aside services such as social networks…

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The Great Firewall of China (GFW)

The Great Firewall of China (GFW)

The Internet in China is censored by set of measures often referred to as the Great FireWall (GFW). It is arguably the most sophisticated censorship system in the world. It has therefore been studied enough, but rarely in so much detail as in the excellent article "How Great is the Great Firewall? Measuring China's DNS Censorship", the authors of which have monitored the GFW over a long period…

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Solar Storm Attacks on the Internet

Solar Storm Attacks on the Internet

The Internet is vulnerable to attacks, hardware failures, software bugs. But it can also be vulnerable to the actions of the Sun, as the study "Solar superstorm: planning for an Internet apocalypse" shows which, despite a catchy title, is a serious and detailed analysis of the risks that the Internet will run with the current increase in the violence of the Sun…

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