IP Address Response Fields

The IP address responses come with the following fields. Every JSON payload inherently contain every field. If a specific value cannot be determined, the field value is set to null.

ipThe IP address that is analyzed.
typeThe IP address type: either IPv4 or IPv6.
carrier → nameThe name of the mobile carrier that owns the IP address. If the value is not null, then it means with a very high likelihood that the IP address is used for mobile carrier traffic.
carrier → mccThe Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the carrier, when available.
carrier → mncThe Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the carrier, when available.
company → domainThe domain guessed for the company associated with the IP.
company → nameThe company name for the company associated with the IP.
The ability of Ipregistry to tell the company depends on the size of the company and how it runs its network. Let's say WeWork has rented its space to a startup. If someone from that startups visits your website, we might not be able to identify the company since it is small and uses its building's network. However, we are able to tell you that the IP is from WeWork.
company → typeClassifies the company type among business, education, government, hosting, and isp.
connection → asnThe Autonomous System (AS) Number associated with the IP.
connection → domainThe top-level domain name associated with the organization that owns the connection IP.
connection → organizationThe name of the organization that owns the Autonomous System for the IP address that is analyzed. The value may fallback to the Autonomous System name if the organization name is not available.
connection → routeThe AS route associated with the IP address as announced and used in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing tables over the Internet.
connection → typeClassifies the connection type among business, education, government, hosting, inactive, and isp.
currency → codeThe ISO 4217 3-letter currency code.
currency → nameThe name of the currency in US locale.
currency → name_nativeThe name of the currency in native locale based on detected location and primary language.
currency → pluralThe plural name of the given currency in US locale.
currency → plural_nativeThe plural name of the given currency in native locale based on detected location and primary language.
currency → symbolThe symbol of the given currency. For instance, A$ for Australian dollars.
currency → symbol_nativeThe native (local) symbol of the given currency. For instance, $ for Australian dollars.
currency → format → negative → prefixThe currency prefix for negative amounts. For instance, - for -10 euros.
currency → format → negative → suffixThe currency suffix for negative amounts. For instance, for -10 euros.
currency → format → positive → prefixThe currency prefix for positive amounts. For instance, $ for 10 US dollars.
currency → format → positive → suffixThe currency suffix for positive amounts. For instance, the empty string for 10 US dollars.
location → continent → codeThe 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code associated with the IP.
location → continent → nameThe name of the continent associated with the IP address.
location → country → areaThe sum of land and water areas within international boundaries and coastlines in km².
location → country → bordersThe 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the countries that border the country associated with this IP. An empty list is returned if the country has no land borders.
location → country → calling_codeThe calling/dial code of the country associated with the IP.
location → country → capitalThe capital city of the country associated with the IP.
location → country → codeThe 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code associated with this IP.
location → country → nameThe name of the country where the IP address is located.
location → country → populationThe total population in number of residents for the country associated with the IP.
location → country → population_densityThe number of residents per km² for the country associated with the IP.
location → country → flag → emojiThe emoji icon for the flag of the country associated with the IP.
location → country → flag → emoji_unicodeThe unicode value of the emoji icon for the flag of the country associated with the IP.
location → country → flag → emojitwoA link to the EmojiTwo SVG file associated with the flag of the country where the IP address is located. See the license for requirements about how to use these images.
location → country → flag → notoA link to the Noto PNG file associated with the flag of the country where the IP address is located. See the license for requirements about how to use these images.
location → country → flag → twemojiA link to the Twemoji SVG file associated with the flag of the country where the IP address is located. See the license for requirements about how to use these images.
location → country → flag → wikimediaA link to the raw SVG file associated with the flag of the country where the IP address is located. The source files were taken from Wikipedia and are not under copyright protection since raw flags are in the public domain.
location → country → languagesA list of languages spoken in the country associated with the IP. Entries are sorted by popularity in descending order.
location → country → languages → codeThe 2 letter ISO 639-1 code associated with the language.
location → country → languages → nameThe name of the given language.
location → country → languages → nativeThe native name of the given language.
location → country → tldThe country code top-level domain (ccTLD) associated with the country as defined by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
location → region → codeThe ISO 3166-2 subdivision/region code associated with the IP, when available. We provide complete and up-to-date ISO 3166 data sets on Github.
location → region → nameThe name of the region associated with the IP address. When a region code is available, the region name is in the administrative language of the country.
location → cityThe name of the city associated with the IP address.
location → postalThe ZIP code associated with the IP address.
location → latitudeThe approximate WGS84 latitude of the location associated with the IP.
The coordinates returned for a given IP address are not precise and should not be used to identify a particular street address or household (this applies to any IP geolocation service provider). Please refer to a larger geographical area such as the city, region or country.
location → longitudeThe approximate WGS84 longitude of the location associated with the IP.
location → language → codeThe 2 letter ISO 639-1 code of the main language associated with the IP location.
location → language → nameThe name of the main language associated with the IP location.
location → language → nativeThe native name of the main language associated with the IP location.
location → in_euBoolean indicating whether the country is a recognized member of the European Union.
security → is_anonymousBoolean with true value if is_proxy, is_tor OR is_vpn is satisfied.
security → is_abuserBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a known source of abuse (e.g. spam, harvesters, registration bots).
security → is_attackerBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a known source of malicious activity (e.g. attacks, malware, botnet activity).
security → is_bogonBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a Bogon: an unassigned, unaddressable IP address.
security → is_cloud_providerBoolean indicating whether the IP address is used for hosting purposes (e.g. a node from Akamai, Cloudflare, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon EC2, and more).
security → is_proxyBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a known proxy. It includes HTTP/HTTPS/SSL/SOCKS/CONNECT and transparent proxies.
security → is_relayBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a known relay. Relay IP addresses are not designed to bypass geo-controls but instead pool multiple users behind the same IP. At this time, only Apple Private Relay IP addresses are detected.
security → is_threatBoolean with true value if is_abuser or is_attacker is satisfied.

The field is_cloud_provider is not considered. It is up to you to combine this last field with a logical OR or not.
security → is_torBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a Tor relay: exit relay node, middle relay node or a bridge.
security → is_tor_exitBoolean indicating whether the IP Address is a Tor exit relay node.
security → is_vpnReturns true when the IP address under search is used by a Virtual Private Network (VPN), false otherwise. VPNs encrypt internet traffic and disguise online identity.
time_zone → idThe time zone associated with location, as specified by the IANA Time Zone Database.
time_zone → abbreviationThe abbreviation of the time zone associated with the IP.
time_zone → current_timeThe current date and time using ISO 8601 format for the location associated with the IP address.
time_zone → nameThe name of the time zone associated with the IP.
time_zone → offsetThe GMT offset of the given time zone in seconds.
time_zone → in_daylight_savingBoolean indicating whether or not the given time zone is considered in daylight saving time.

When using the origin IP lookup endpoint, the response also includes user-agent fields corresponding to the initial client IP request.