
NO Norway
Organization Blix Group AS
Number of IPv4 256
Number of IPv6 8.4181× 1028
AS Type Hosting
Registry RIPE NCC
Allocated December 05, 2012 (about 12 years ago)
Updated February 06, 2020 (about 4 years ago)

IP Ranges

AS61292 announces 1 IPv4 range and 3 IPv6 ranges.

That's a total of 256 IPv4 addresses and 8.4181× 1028 IPv6 addresses.

Prefix Organization Size Registry Status
SG Blix Solutions - Singapore
Prefix Organization Size Registry Status
SG Blix Solutions - Singapore
7.9228× 1028 RIPE NCC ASSIGNED
SG Servebolt AS - Singapore
4.9518× 1027 RIPE NCC ASSIGNED
SG Netbouncer Ab - Singapore
1.2089× 1024 RIPE NCC ASSIGNED


There are 241 peers for AS61292:

AS42 AS714 AS917 AS983 AS997 AS2906 AS3856 AS4058 AS4229 AS4382 AS4628 AS4773 AS4775 AS4788 AS4800 AS4809 AS4817 AS4844 AS6421 AS6461 AS6619 AS6939 AS7539 AS7575 AS7632 AS7713 AS7979 AS8674 AS8849 AS8888 AS9009 AS9226 AS9228 AS9264 AS9299 AS9304 AS9318 AS9419 AS9658 AS9821 AS9875 AS9886 AS10024 AS10122 AS10310 AS11158 AS13150 AS13335 AS14061 AS14907 AS15133 AS16265 AS16276 AS17408 AS17450 AS17451 AS17547 AS17639 AS17727 AS17984 AS17996 AS18106 AS18187 AS18403 AS20473 AS20940 AS23671 AS23764 AS23855 AS23856 AS23944 AS23947 AS23948 AS23953 AS24198 AS24204 AS24492 AS24527 AS24538 AS25192 AS29606 AS30081 AS30103 AS32590 AS32787 AS32934 AS33353 AS34655 AS35280 AS37002 AS37468 AS37989 AS38001 AS38082 AS38154 AS38158 AS38182 AS38195 AS38235 AS38278 AS38496 AS38516 AS38757 AS40627 AS41564 AS42473 AS42909 AS45102 AS45147 AS45259 AS45295 AS45296 AS45352 AS45430 AS45701 AS45796 AS45899 AS49544 AS50104 AS50304 AS51847 AS53334 AS54113 AS54994 AS55195 AS55293 AS55655 AS55805 AS55821 AS55850 AS55933 AS56172 AS56286 AS56308 AS57976 AS58436 AS58485 AS58552 AS58655 AS58682 AS58715 AS58717 AS58807 AS58821 AS58907 AS59139 AS59238 AS59318 AS60021 AS60022 AS60486 AS62014 AS62713 AS62902 AS62955 AS63199 AS63399 AS63516 AS63859 AS63868 AS63927 AS64049 AS64050 AS64096 AS64313 AS131149 AS131219 AS131314 AS131744 AS132132 AS132146 AS132164 AS132203 AS132337 AS132602 AS132696 AS132816 AS132829 AS133159 AS133815 AS133840 AS134078 AS134148 AS134469 AS134672 AS134823 AS134835 AS135158 AS136106 AS136168 AS136557 AS136764 AS136838 AS136907 AS137316 AS137331 AS137409 AS137552 AS137969 AS137991 AS138128 AS138699 AS138866 AS138887 AS139057 AS139225 AS139285 AS139341 AS139428 AS139831 AS139901 AS139967 AS139977 AS139981 AS140224 AS140443 AS140627 AS141389 AS141898 AS141995 AS142319 AS146762 AS147120 AS149290 AS149670 AS150158 AS150242 AS150279 AS150436 AS150921 AS150937 AS151326 AS153087 AS199524 AS202053 AS202617 AS215859 AS216211 AS328366 AS396986 AS399077


There are 2 upstreams for AS61292:


There is no downstream for AS61292.

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